4 ways to make a positive influence in your community

Today we saw a friend and neighbor running down the street. Spontaneously, my 13 and 14-year-old daughters began shouting and cheering him on as he ran by our house.

At that moment I was further reminded of the critical part we play in the relationships with the people who live and work and play in our spaces and places of influence.

Remember today that your community matters and you play an important part in the temperature of that community.

With your words and actions, you will either generate positive, the forward movement for the better OR by your words and actions you will generate negative, obstacles that interfere with the best possible outcome.

Here are 4 suggestions for making a positive impact in your community.

1- Think before you speak or act. – literally, take a breath and pause before you respond to a question or a situation.

2- Speak the truth in love toward those around you.

3- Maintain high positive regard for the people you interact with, and when you can’t, be sure your words are motivated by a desire to do good and not evil.

4- Cheer your neighbors on as they run past your house!

Your community matters and you have influence there.
How will you use it today?